Open Mon-Fri 11:00-17:00
Advokaadibüroo Ruus & VesoAdvokaadibüroo Ruus & VesoAdvokaadibüroo Ruus & Veso
Kaupmehe tn 10-11, 10114, Tallinn

More than 20 years of experience

Our aim is to provide expedient, high-quality and fast solutions to problems through a relationship built on trust.

Indrek Veso

Attorney at law
  • +372 52 04 535
  • Kaupmehe tn 10-11, 10114 Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa

Indrek has been providing legal services as a lawyer since 2004, mainly in the field of resolving disputes and in contract, administrative, commercial, tax and environmental law. The majority of civil disputes concern contractual, real estate development and construction disputes, incl. access, servitude, build contracting and subcontracting disputes. Indrek also represents clients in family and succession matters.

Indrek has long experience in representing local governments, companies and natural persons in all court instances in civil and administrative disputes. Indrek has successfully represented clients in the Supreme Court in tax matters and in disputes in property, contract and family law. 

He cooperates with the Estonian Private Forest Union by standing up for the rights of forest owners and conducting training in the field of environmental, property and contractual law.

Indrek advises clients in Estonian, English and Russian. In his free time, Indrek enjoys cycling, snowboarding, football and woodworking.
